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Television station in a sentence

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Sentence count:59+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-07-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: television settelevision showtelevision systemtelevision screentelevisioncable televisionwatch televisiontelevision cameraMeaning: n. station for the production and transmission of television broadcasts. 
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1. It claims to be the most popular television station in the UK.
2. She works for a television station in Utah.
3. He was brought to the television station by special ambulance.
4. A reporter from a local television station was sent to interview Shaw.
5. After the documentary was screened, the television station was besieged with calls from worried home-owners.
6. The average news reporter working for the average television station in the United States makes about $ 25, 000 a year.
7. The television station was up and broadcasting locally, and the church was buying airtime on one of the national nets.
8. Mr Lekszton's future plans include a private television station and an airline.
9. China Central Television . It's our national television station.
10. Art Editor in Shanghai Television Station from 2003 .
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. He bought a run-down television station.
12. The television station reported this item of news.
13. Is short limited to the news time, the television station is impossible to broadcast completely.
14. The television station was knee - deep in phone calls.
15. Does the television station forbid South Korea main current broadcasting concrete Chinese TV play content?
16. The television station broadcast the launch of this rocket live.
17. Protesters also seized the country's state - owned television station.
18. Whenever a viewer turns a television dial, a television station loses a customer.
19. The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.
20. A group of soldiers, under orders from the president, took control of the television station.
21. One video shows him piling up hundreds of thousands of dollars in front of the owner of a popular television station.
22. In addition to seven gyms and an Olympic swimming pool, New Trier operates a television station.
23. One can only surmise that this arrangement was for the programming convenience of the television station which covered the matches.
24. On the following day there was fierce fighting at the television station and the building was partially destroyed by fire.
25. This led to great public cynicism now being manifested as pressure for democratic accountability in the state-run television station.
26. There is only one media market, and only one local television station.
27. On Jan. 14 Gorbachev publicly denied prior knowledge of the attack on the television station.
28. She began to suspect she had a serious problem after an appearance on a Washington television station.
29. We met one of the engineers over at the television station.
30. The local government has decided to put up a new television station.
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